Terms and Conditions

The products purchased on the Bidonvillestore.it website are sold by Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C., with registered office in Bari (Italy), via Melo 224/226, C.F./P. VAT 05921860721.
The offer and sale of products on the Bidonvillestrore.it site are governed by the following general conditions of sale, applied to each customer and/or visitor to the site, and constitute the basis of any contract between Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. and the customer.
The general conditions of sale may be periodically updated; those published on the Bidonvillestrore.it website and accepted at the time of check out are considered effective and binding.
Please read the terms and conditions of sale carefully before purchasing.

Definition of the parts
This contract is stipulated between the Customer indicated in the order form (hereinafter simply referred to as “Customer”) and the company Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. with headquarters in via Melo 224/226, 70121 Bari (Italy).

Object of the contract
The object of the contract is the sale of used goods online through the website www.bidonvillestore.it managed by Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. via Melo 224/226 – 70121 Bari (P. Iva C.F./P. Iva 05921860721), as regulated by civil law on electronic commerce.

Purchase methods
For each product chosen, a descriptive sheet is displayed, with the image and the essential characteristics, for example: the weight, the unit price.
The customer purchases the product(s) by electronically sending the order form which is valid as contractual acceptance pursuant to the civil code; purchase orders for products sent to Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. must be completed in the mandatory fields under penalty of unacceptability.
Upon completion of the purchase, the customer receives written confirmation of the product ordered, the amount to be paid, with details of the price of the product and shipping costs.
Placing the purchase order implies knowledge of these general conditions of sale and their unconditional acceptance.
The images and colors of the products offered for sale on Bidonvillestrore.it may not correspond to the actual ones due to the Internet browser and/or monitor used: Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. is not responsible for any inaccuracies due to a particular configuration of the computer or its malfunction.
For further information regarding the products, contact the e-mail address: info@bidonvillestore.it

Product prices include VAT and are indicated in the information sheets and in the order form in € (Euro currency) in the Italian version and in £ (Sterling currency) and (Dollar currency) in the English version. The price indicated for each product is per carton. The order form also indicates the shipping costs, to be paid by the customer.

Payments are made with PayPal and credit card.

Shipping and delivery
Shipping and delivery, to the address indicated by the customer in the order form, will take place via express courier in Italy, Europe and the Rest of the World.
For shipping costs and times, see the Shipping and returns section.

Personal data
The provision of personal data by the customer is optional, except where otherwise established; in this case any refusal to insert them makes registration impossible. Personal data can be viewed and modified at any time. Only people who have reached the age of 18 (or 21 in some countries) can validly purchase goods online on the website www.bidonvillestore.it. The data, in whole or in part, will be communicated to third parties for the performance of functions strictly connected and/or instrumental to the operation of the service, such as the management of the IT system, the control of payments and the shipment of purchased goods. In relation to the above, the customer gives his consent to the processing and communication of his personal data and the related processing to the subjects who carry out the activities indicated above for the full and regular performance of the service offered by Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C..
For more information visit the Privacy and Cookie Policy section.

Advertising messages
Bidonville Store by De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. will not send, via e-mail, commercial and promotional information without the prior and express consent of the customer or any other interested party, in compliance with the legislation regarding the protection of individuals with respect to the processing of their personal data as outlined by Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n.196 and subsequent amendments and in compliance with the legislation on electronic commerce.

Right of withdrawal
The customer, if he qualifies as a “consumer” pursuant to the Consumer Code approved with Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, has the right of withdrawal which must be asserted within the 7th day from the date of purchase, provided that the product is returned intact. This right of withdrawal must be exercised, under penalty of forfeiture, by sending a registered letter with return receipt to Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the goods; it may also be exercised by sending, within the same deadline, a communication by telegram or fax, provided that it is confirmed by registered letter with return receipt within the following 48 (forty-eight) hours. By exercising the right of withdrawal, the customer must ship the product at his own expense to Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C., Via Melo 224/226, 70121 Bari (Italy). .
All returns must be intact and in the original packaging.
Bidonville Store of De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C., having received the products and verified their integrity, will refund the sums paid as quickly as possible, in any case within 10 days of receipt of the returned products, retaining the amount incurred for shipping costs.
Furthermore Bidonville Store of De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. in the event of withdrawal by the customer, it will not refund the price collected if the product suffers loss or misplacement during the return phase of the product itself.

In the event of non-fulfilment, even partial, of the obligations by the customer, Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. reserves the right to terminate this contract pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1456 cod. civil with a simple written communication to be sent by email to the email address provided during registration by the customer. Bidonville Store by De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. also reserves the right to refuse any and all future purchases by the non-compliant customer, also reserving the right to take legal action to protect its rights. In any case, the rights of Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. remain unaffected. to the receipt of fees for the services used, in addition to the right to compensation for damages.

Major force
If a party cannot meet its contractual obligations due to reasons of force majeure such as natural phenomena of particular intensity, war events, strikes, unforeseen restrictions ordered by the authorities etc., the fulfillment of the contract or the date for the fulfillment of the contract are deferred based on the event that has occurred.

Intellectual property
All the content of the Bidonvillestore.it website (drawings, illustrations, photographs, texts, graphics, descriptions, trademarks, images, videos) is the exclusive property of Bidonville Store di De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C..
It is forbidden to reproduce, distribute, publish, disseminate, copy, modify or sell by any means, partially or totally, the content of the Bidonvillestore.it website.
You may print material for personal, non-commercial use only.

Limitations of Liability
Bidonville Store by De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage suffered by the customer or the recipient, due to delays, slowdowns and interruptions of the electronic commerce service, if the delays, slowdowns, interruptions do not depend on its conduct or are caused by the bad operation of telecommunications services, including value-added ones, energy supplier services and Internet access services. Bidonville Store by De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage suffered by the customer due to delays, slowdowns and interruptions of the electronic commerce service or due to delays in the execution of the purchase order or due to failure to execute the same, if the delay , the slowdown, interruption and defaults are caused by an impediment beyond one’s control, which could not reasonably have been foreseen and the consequences of which could not be avoided or limited, for example: delays and/or defaults caused by the courier expressed, etc.
Bidonville Store by De Giosa T. & Mincuzzi N. S.N.C. furthermore, it cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage to the product during its delivery to the customer or recipient by courier

Transfer of rights and duties
Neither party may transfer rights and obligations arising from this contract to third parties without the prior written approval of the other party.

Jurisdiction and competent court
This contract and all legal relationships deriving from it are governed exclusively by Italian law; any related dispute is subject to exclusive Italian jurisdiction. Without prejudice to the application of the mandatory provisions of law established to protect the consumer, for any dispute connected to this contract, following an attempt at mediation at the Bari Conciliation Chamber (BA), the exclusive jurisdiction of the Civil Juridical Court of Bari is recognized ( BA).